Jeremy lost his first tooth!
-started a new therapy and completed it in flying colors, we are so proud of him.
- started to actually swimming, diving under, kicking his feet and moving his arms and getting really comfortable in the water. We get some ROI on our swimming pool.
-Jeremy also fell in love with hiking, yay, we can start our family weekend hikes again! He calls it his "Nature Adventure".
-He's also starting new school on Monday, which he said he loves the teachers and the new school.
Sara's doing great! She turned 18 months yesterday, and got two shots today, quite a brave girl. But she was mad at us after the shots and refused to talk in the car seat on our drive home. so cute and funny.
Popo is planning to cut the cord and return to New York in November. We will really miss her. Sara starts daycare some time in Oct. Summer is over and let the exciting school year begin!
posting some hiking pictures and some misc pictures from August. Enjoy!

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